Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Julia Garicochea

Julia Garicochea headshot

Location • Title

São Paulo, Brazil • Junior Copywriter


One-sentence bio

I have a hyper-active imagination and the type of enthusiasm for life you can’t easily curb.

Creative philosophy or approach

I believe in being genuine in everything I create. The most powerful ideas are the ones that make us feel something and that’s why they stick with us. So my approach is doing things with the heart.

Recent work I’m proud of

I recently entered the D&AD New Blood Awards with a student campaign for Audible, in which we turned literary classics into pieces of gossip. It’s a stunt to attract the ears of millennials by showing them that audiobooks have stories that are just as intriguing as the ones they look for in their social feeds.

I’m a bookworm, so translating those works of fiction into gossip was incredibly fun.

Link to campaign:

Julia Garicochea recent work

Recent work I admired

It’s hard to choose just one! But because I believe in advertising with meaning and because I’m biased in my own support for animal causes, I’ll cite “The Lion’s Share Fund” by FINCH. I think it’s a nice example of how advertising can be so much more than just about brands trying to reassert their value to consumers, but focus on creating awareness and bringing people together around matters that need addressing… And especially today, when I think we need it most, it’s powerful to be reminded that we have what it takes to create meaningful change.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25