Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Jane Jin

Jane Jin headshot

Location • Title

Berlin • Art Director


One-sentence bio

Art director who writes poems.

Creative philosophy or approach

Make ads that don’t look like ads. Have fun and not only using creativities as a tool simply to impress or amuse others, but to have good intentions for every creative idea/concept we have. Make art that can make great impact for change in society.

Recent work I’m proud of

During the quarantine, I have also worked on a UN brief for Kindness Contagion against COVID-19. People have been very aware of others on the street. However, there are a lot of negative stigma on people wearing them. With a lot of negative news in the media, it is very easy to get discouraged.

We want to remind people that, even though we couldn’t see it, there’s a smile underneath the face mask. Yes, COVID virus can infect people, but we still can be nice and kind to one another. After all, smiling and kindness are contagious as well.

Link to campaign:

Jane Jin recent work

Recent work I admired

BIANCO presents: The Lift. This campaign is a mini film I would just stayed in front of my computer and watch all day. This ad is so heart wrenchingly realistic, but at the same time so entertaining to watch. With no dialogue presented in this TV ad, we can’t take our eyes away from good stories. Attention is humanity’s currency and this ad has succeeded in taking its hand in my pocket for sure!

Clio Health Second Deadline 25