Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Holiday Black

Holiday Black headshot


San Francisco


One-sentence bio

I’m a true weirdo with a penchant for bright colors and good stories.

Creative philosophy or approach

With a background working in DIY arts communities, I hope to leave the world a bit more sparkly than I found it. Unafraid of grit, I seek to create media that calls convention into question while sparking joy.

Recent work I’m proud of

My creative partner, Lauren Torres and I, created a board game about Abortion Rights. Since our lawmakers seem to think that women’s rights are a game, we made them into one.

Link to campaign:

Holiday Black recent work

Recent work I admired

Party Land LA’s campaign for Liquid Death, a boutique water company. Referencing metal culture and satanism, Party Land wasn’t afraid to crack a joke and create a spectacle. I appreciate the sense of whimsy and fun.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25