Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Greta Beleskaite

Greta Beleskaite headshot

Location • Title

Amsterdam • Art Director / Designer


One-sentence bio

I am from Lithuania where I finished a B.A. in Arts (Applied Ceramics) and later decided to give a chance to advertising and finished Miami Ad School in Hamburg, which keeps me in this field until now.

Creative philosophy or approach

There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. I find this saying to be at the core of everything I create. You can come up with concepts and draw design systems without ever getting into the roots of what someone needs, but finding real insights and fresh approaches genuinely motivates me to embrace every project.

Recent work I’m proud of

While working at Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, I had a chance to create Visual Identity for MACA (Moving Arts Centre Amsterdam) and help them to participate in Museum Nights 2019 launching it. The project revealed my passion not only for art direction, but motion graphics as well as design aspects around it.

Link to campaign:

Greta Beleskaite recent work

Recent work I admired

The CBS cold open for the AFC Championship Game with John Malkovich is one of the most powerful masterpieces I’ve ever seen in advertising world. This is also a very great example for me to be part of someday.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25