Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Gabriel Sehringer


New York, NY


One-sentence bio

I’m a perpetually curious writer with one eye on the details and the other on the big picture.

Creative philosophy or approach

I approach every challenge hungry to learn something new. And just hungry in general. I think most clearly when I’m walking around outside and am inspired by the endless creativity around us in the form of street art, movie posters, and restaurant menus. I believe creativity doesn’t have to be disorganized. Be kind to everyone. And our job should be fun. We’re so lucky to be in a business where we get paid to have wild ideas and make them real.

Recent work I’m proud of

When I was at FF (Fred & Farid), we worked with The Committee to Protect Journalists to bring attention to the human cost of journalism. We created a haunting logo made of the names of all 1,337 journalists killed in action since 1992, starting a memorial movement shared by everyone from the New York Times to Time Magazine. We published the final articles and photographs of twenty-four journalists—including those of Jamal Khashoggi and Marie Colvin—in a book called The Last Column. A powerful, rewarding project I was proud to be a part of.

Recent work I admired

I love the newest Aviation Gin spot—”Arlene’s Big Leap”—about a woman born on February 29, 1936 (a leap year) who would technically be celebrating her 21st birthday this year. Fresh, charming, and properly funny. I respect that they chose a rarely marketed cultural moment without going too obscure (looking at you, National Cereal Day). Favorite line: “I had seven kids in ten years. Do you think sometimes I didn’t want a drink?”

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25