Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Eric Peck


Jacksonville, Fla.


One-sentence bio

Autodidact Video Editor

Creative philosophy or approach

I did it a little differently. I pressed the buttons, figured out what did what. I got to work with those better than me and learn…learn…learn. I took a different path, the one that says you’ll never make it, the path that requires you to be curious. That path has led me through broadcast news roles, post production editor gigs, academic video specialist and Corporate video commandant.

I did it…but I’m not done. I need creative weirdos, tech nerds and social savants surrounding me. People who see the vision before it has even been put to paper. Folks who love their craft and put their full-self into their work.

So I did it and I will continue to take that path.

Recent work I’m proud of

Very proud to have edited and created the motion graphics for this product showcase.

Recent work I admired

MullenLowe’s Pure Imagination campaign. Utilizing a well know scene to highlight and educate what it is like to have Alzheimer’s, such an amazing job.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25