The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Bui Nhi

Bui Nhi headshot


Hamburg, Germany


One-sentence bio

I poorly juggle between two identities, the identity i created myself or the one my parents set up for me 28 years ago.

Creative philosophy or approach

Stay understanding

Recent work I’m proud of

Agent Orange – the deadly herbicide used by the US during the Vietnam War. It causes biological deformities for thousand kids in Vietnam.To give these victims a voice of hope, we create a new typeface which has body deformities like them.

Link to campaign:

Bui Nhi recent work

Recent work I admired

I adore a series of “travel” posters promoting social distancing of Jennifer Baer. Her lighthearted illustrations of people living their best vacation lives at home were inspired by the 50s propaganda. It sparks a glimpse of humor in this dark time which I think super vital for everyone.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25