The Clio Awards Final Deadline 2025

Ben Proudfoot

AJ Feuerman on behalf of Ben Proudfoot headshot

Location • Title

Los Angeles • CEO/Head of Production


One-sentence bio

On a crusade for the return of original and handmade filmmaking, to explore and evangelize the idiosyncratic power of the short film, and to resurrect the creative studio campus pioneered in Hollywood in the 1930s.

Creative philosophy or approach

At Breakwater, we not only love finding the best stories, but we love telling them in our signature style, employing our proprietary methodology. We work overtime to create the best short documentaries we can muster. We’re prolific in creating award-winning original films like That’s My Jazz, Kunstglaser and George. We are proud that many of our films are also made in direct partnership with discerning brands as a proven alternative to advertising. And consequently, our successful brand-partner films financially allow us to also make narrative shorts.

Recent work I’m proud of

“That’s my Jazz” had its world premiere at the 2019 Tribeca Film Festival. When I met Milton, and heard his story, the aspect of the sunrise-sunset cross of a child and parent, when one career begins and another winds down, was very compelling and really touched me. Clothe that in the world of jazz and pastry, and the prospect of making this film was irresistible.

Link to campaign:

AJ Feuerman on behalf of Ben Proudfoot recent work

Recent work I admired

I love SEARCH ON, Google’s short doc series. I think the team that makes it pays close attention to making sure the story comes first, and any credit taken by Google is tertiary. They are also working with really excellent craftspeople and artist to make the films and it shows. Several of my colleagues worked on CALL ME BLOOD, about motorcycle blood couriers in Nigeria (that happen to use Google Maps) and I just think they are beautiful films.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25