The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Alberto Belli

Alberto Belli headshot

Location • Title

Marina Del Rey, Calif. • Comedy Director


One-sentence bio

A Latinx director based in L.A. who got into advertising by accident with a viral parody ad called “It’s Not Porn,” which family still questions me about. 

Creative philosophy or approach

My goal in life is to make people laugh with uplifting and fun content. I approach everything I do with the audience as my priority. Is this the most entertaining version of the story? I also can’t stand low energy content, so I tend to do everything twice as fast to keep the attention of the viewer.

Recent work I’m proud of

Visa Insiders. We had about a week to pre-produce 6 ads to be shot in 3 days in Lebanon. While location scouting, we were still finding the core of the stories that could resonate in very specific markets: Russia, MENA, and Europe. BBDO Impact and Stoked Films were really supportive of my vision and a great team to work with.

Link to campaign:

Alberto Belli recent work

Recent work I admired

Xibalba: Tecate has been creating amazing work that embraces the Mayan traditions in a very compelling and cinematic way that I wish I was a part of.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25