CLIO Health

Can ESPN Fantasy Football Fix Awkward Conversations?

BSSP believes it's worth a try

Trapped in an awkward conversation? Start babbling about your ESPN Fantasy Football picks. That’ll make everything OK real quick.

For example, when confronted by a creepy ride-share driver—”My name is Steve, too. This is crazy! Man, this is unbelievable!”—just ask him how he’s set for Sunday’s game.

Video Reference
ESPN | Steve

Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners developed the work, extending ESPN’s “Only in Fantasy” campaign. 

“ESPN Fantasy Football creates connections and builds communities,” offers network VP, brand marketing Seth Adler. “We remind fans to continue playing because it is the ultimate equalizer between people and can help get you out of awkward situations.”

He meant that cheekily, one presumes. Though with 11 million fan signups in 2022, a 12 percent increase from 2021, potential convo partners abound.

Heck, if you’re league commissioner, even your girlfriend’s hardass dad might be impressed.

And why tip delivery peeps when you can just remind them to set their lineups?

“The team had so much fun coming up with the perfect exaggerated-yet-totally-relatable scenarios,” says BSSP creative director Robyn Tenenbaum. “How do you break the ice? Make small talk? What’s the answer to it all? ESPN Fantasy Football.”

“Only in Fantasy” runs across streaming, broadcast, digital and audio, with OOH activations in NYC and L.A.


Tina Thornton – EVP, Creative Studio and Marketing
Seth Ader – VP, Brand Marketing
Alex Healy-Lucciola – Sr. Director, Brand Marketing
John Lobo – Associate Director, Brand Marketing
Jon Little – Associate Producer II
Lenny Washington – Coordinator, Brand Marketing 

Sinan Dagli – Executive Creative Director
Robyn Tenenbaum – Creative Director
Lauren Byers  – Senior Art Director
Justin Cannon – Senior Copywriter
Cade Wallace – Senior Producer
Jake Bayham – Head of Strategy
Kyle Rodriguez – Account Director
Gustavo Feria – Account Supervisor

ArtClass – Production Company
Vincent Peone – Director
Aiden Samford-Ulrich – Director of Photography
Geno Imbriale -Managing Partner
Rebeca Niles – Managing Director / EP
Eric McCasline – Executive Producer
Sparkle Jones – Head of Production
Kat Garelli – Production Manager, ArtClass
Terry Gallagher – Line Producer
Abby Jones – Production Manager
MackCut – Editorial / Finish
Brendan Hogan – Lead Editor
Ellen Schoenfeld – Assistant Editor
Nick Quiles – Animator
Jim Hayhow – Flame Artist
Steve Picano – Color Artist
Gina Pagano – Executive Producer
Alex Pinkett – Producer
Th3rd Sound – Sound Design / Mix
Chip Sloan – Sound Designer / Mixer

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