The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Writer-Director Sheldon Candis on His Docu-Cinematic Approach

Framing real life with an elevated aesthetic

Sheldon Candis is a writer-director and a native of Baltimore. He has written, directed and produced feature film, full length and short form documentary, and episodic TV series across entertainment mediums. 

Sheldon calls his audiences to take action on current issues. He believes you can entertain your audience, while also teaching them. Like serving spinach with popcorn, he says. In the spirit of documenting stories that come from real people, Sheldon casts a cinematic aesthetic onto his subjects that allows their stories to form organic shapes through his lens of a docu-cinematic format. 

In our latest episode of Long Story Short, Sheldon talks to us about creative work with Amazon, being a former NAACP youth council president, and how to sell emotion.

For more about Sheldon, and work he discusses in the video, visit these links:

I Will What I Want [Misty Copeland + Under Armour] 
Outside In [Amazon]
The Talk [P&G]
Widen the Screen [P&G]
Frida Mom
Alexa’s Body [Amazon]

Video edit by Carly Angeloni.

“Long Story Short” is a Muse video series produced with FREE THE WORK, a nonprofit initiative and talent discovery platform for underrepresented creators. Head to to search for more talented creators to work with. For more about Sheldon Candis, visit his Free The Work page.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25