The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Director Justin Ongèri on Letting Go of Perfection in Filmmaking

The freedom of learning through mistakes and crafting in a less self-conscious way

Justin Ongèri is a film director based in New York City. His work is dynamic and visceral in both the retelling of stories and edit style—stating his interest lies between the life we remember and the life that we live. The two inextricably overlap and so the medium should imitate our “imagined realities.”

At some point in Justin’s life, someone advised him to focus on the video that he was currently making, not the video he thought he should be making. Since then, he has worked on creating in a less self-conscious way, believing that when creating work that resonates with others, the world will reward it. 

In our latest episode of Long Story Short, Justin talks to us about creating resonating work, contributing to the larger conversation, and his favorite childhood TV shows.

For more about Justin, and the work he discusses in the video, visit these links: 

Video edit by Carly Angeloni.

“Long Story Short” is a new Muse video series produced with FREE THE WORK, a nonprofit initiative and talent discovery platform for underrepresented creators. Head to to search for more talented creators to work with. For more about Justin Ongèri, visit his Free The Work page.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25