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YouTube Content Series Answers Most-Googled Vaccine Questions

Klick Health helps craft 'Community Unity'

A simple online search about Covid-19 vaccines can send anyone down a path rife with misinformation sandwiched between useful knowledge.

YouTube teamed up with the Vaccine Confidence Project (VCP) and agency Klick Health to create Community Unity, a video series that answers the most popular Googled questions about Covid-19 vaccines.

The first three episodes launched today: an intro to the series, an explanation about vaccines affecting fertility, and Covid-19 vaccines vs. variants.

Video Reference
Community Unity | What is Community Immunity?

Video Reference
Community Unity | Do COVID-19 Vaccines Affect Fertility?

Video Reference
Community Unity | COVID-19 Vaccines vs. Variants

Episodes range from 90 seconds to two minutes and target 18- to 29-year-olds who are vaccine hesitant. Twelve videos were created and will launch between now and Christmas.

“The Vaccine Confidence Project has been at the frontlines tackling misinformation and vaccine hesitancy for years, and they have been an essential resource for healthcare organizations all over the world in supporting the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines,” says Dr. Garth Graham, director and global head of healthcare and public health partnerships at YouTube. 

“This video series from VCP meets young people where they are, in the language that is most engaging and accessible to them. It’s smart public health tactics, brought to YouTube’s scale.”

Future videos tackle vaccine safety, side effects, ingredients and vaccinating young kids.

“We used Google Trends and the company’s special Covid tool to search by country and languages to see what people are searching for to determine what topics we would discuss in the videos,” Brandi Bank, VP of policy and public health at Klick Health, tells Muse.

In a video that discusses vaccines and fertility, a woman is seen having a two-way conversation with her twin: one is informed and one is indecisive.

“Our goal is to be the most authentic content out there,” adds Kristine Brown, group copy supervisor at Klick Health. “Two-way conversations are happening all over social media so we did that for the pregnancy video. We even said ‘alien baby.’ “

The agency planned on making one video about vaccines and pregnancy and wound up making three.

“Any small amount of information that moves the ball forward is a good thing,” says David Bowen, head of policy and advocacy at Klick Health. “We want to counteract misinformation and give medically accurate info so people can make health-conscious decisions.” 


STRATEGIC PARTNERS: The Vaccine Confidence Project at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, YouTube, Klick Health

David Bowen – Senior Vice President, Policy & Advocacy. Partnership Founder.
Brandi Hight Bank – Vice President, Policy & Public Health. Public Health Lead
Heidi Forman – Senior Vice President, Managing Director
Mark McConaghy -Senior Vice President, Strategy
Jason Valdez – VP, Delivery & Project Management
Besart Alajbegu – Program Manager

Sam Dolin – Executive Creative Director
Ryan Murphy – Group Creative Director
Kate Maldjian – Group Art Supervisor
Kristine Brown – Group Copy Supervisor 
Amanda Schain – Art Director (videos 2, 3,4,5,7,8,10-12)
Kristy Korevaar – Jr. Art Director (videos 3, 4, 5, 7,8,10-12)
Victor Phothisuk – Art Supervisor (videos 1,9)
Jasson Powell – Jr. Art Director (videos 6,9)
Julia Agard – Jr. Copywriter (video 11) 

Laura Denham – Executive Producer
Natalie Castellino – Producer
Janet Dean – Business Affairs Manager
Samantha Subryan – Business Affairs, Coordinator
Patrick Eugster – Art Buyer

Colin O’Young – Senior Director, Video Production
Jes Frigon – Senior Motion Designer / Video Editor

Communications & PR
Sheryl Steinberg – SVP, Communications & PR
Marisa McWilliams – Manager, Communications & PR

ANIMATION (videos 4,7,9-12): The Editorial Factory
Ben Spergel – Animator


CLIO Health