CLIO Music

Jennifer Aniston Just Wants You to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Actress battles insomnia with Idorsia

Jennifer Aniston chronicles her quest for quality Z’s in “Alarm Clock,” a fresh 30-second spot from Idorsia. The pharma company just received FDA approval for Quviviq, an insomnia remedy.

Working with Goodby Silverstein & Partners, the actress tosses, turns and ultimately invites viewers to explore how getting some truly refreshing sleep can help them “Seize the Day & Night.”

Video Reference
Time Is a Construct | Seize the Night & Day

Jen x 2! That’s a sweet dream for some—insert Ross joke here—and a neat way to communicate the impact of sleeplessness on waking hours for some 25 million Americans who just can’t nod off at night.

“If I don’t get a good night’s sleep, my next day is really difficult,” Aniston says in campaign materials. “I hope that we can all start prioritizing sleep health and have different conversations around trouble sleeping.”

It’s a pillow-soft sell, and Quviviq is never mentioned. The ad from director Taika Waititi—no stranger to dreamscapes—offers education and empathy instead. Aniston’s as quirky and likeable as ever, and her familiar presence feels right on brand. (Consider: If you felt a tad edgy, and Rachel wanted to read you a bedtime story, would you object?)

“Jen is a natural partner for the campaign, as she has had trouble sleeping for many years,” says Idorsia U.S. president and GM Patricia Torr. “We share a unified vision of helping others.”

In these restless times, sublimely snoozy efforts abound. These range from Liev Schreiber’s surreal Mattress Firm sojourn and Casper’s soothing audio channel to Lincoln’s ambient album that turned NYC into “The City That Sleeps.”


Client: Idorsia
Campaign Name: Unbranded Celeb/Wave 1: Alarm Clock + Sleep Story
Air Date: 1/14/22
Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners

Michael Moye: Vice President, Head of Marketing US
Vic Noble: Head of Customer Experience, US
Robin Mandelbaum: Director, Consumer Marketing

Margaret Johnson: Chief Creative Officer
Kate Baynham: Creative Director
Hanna Wittmark: Creative Director
Claire Stokes: Senior Copywriter
Maria Sousa Machado: Senior Art Director
Katie Rich: Writer
Benny Gold: Design Director
Johann Vernizzi: Designer

Margaret Johnson: Chief Creative Officer
Kate Baynham: Creative Director
Hanna Wittmark: Creative Director
Claire Stokes: Senior Copywriter
Maria Sousa Machado: Senior Art Director
Casey Powell: Copywriter
Neha Guria: Art Director
Benny Gold: Design Director
Johann Vernizzi: Designer

Account Services
Leslie Barrett: Managing Partner
Shanley McClure: Account Director
Emily Bollier: Account Manager
Emma Fenton: Account Coordinator

Brand and Communication Strategy
Bonnie Wan: Partner, Head of Brand Strategy
Gabriella Dishotsky: Brand Strategy Director
Caitlin Neelon: Communication Strategy Director

Leila Gage: Director of Broadcast Production
James Horner: Executive Producer
Rachel Saxon: Senior Producer

Business Affairs
Judy Ybarra: Director of Business Affairs
Howie Mapson: Associate Business Affairs Manager

Ruchele Eisenman: Broadcast Traffic Director
Rowena Cuejilo: Broadcast Traffic Manager

Production Company
Company Name: Hungry Man
Taika Waititi: Director
Kantu Lentz: Director – 2nd Unit
Mino Jarjoura: Managing Partner/Executive Producer
Dan Duffy: Executive Producer/Director of Sales
Caleb Dewart: Executive Producer
Marian Harkness: Head of Production
Mala Vasan: Producer
Mike Berlucchi: Director of Photography
Robb Buono: Production Designer
Brian Stevens: 1st AD

Editorial Companies
Company Name: The Den Editorial
Christjan Jordan: Editor
Kayla Hashimoto: Assistant Editor
Ryan Curtis: EP
Cassandra Guardado: Post Producer

Company Name: Elevel
Erik Johnson: Editor
Joyce Carranza: Assistant Editor
Alison Plansky: Post Producer
Michael Damiani: Director of Post Production

Music Companies
Track: “Orchestral 450”
Composer: Thomas Scott, ASCAP
Publisher: DUFOR Music, ASCAP

Track: “Quite The Situation”
William M Van De Crommert: Composer
APM: Publisher

Sonic Branding Company
Company Name: BUTTER Music and Sound 
Annick Mayer: Executive Producer
Tim K: ECD
Stone Irr: Producer
Malayna Ellis: Associate Producer

Audio and Sound Design Company 
Company Name: Lime
Joel Waters: Audio Mixer
Collin Thomas: Assistant Assistant
Samantha Sotomura: Senior Producer
Susie Boyajan: Executive Producer

Color Company
Company Name: Primary
Gregory Reese: Colorist
Jenny Bright: Producer
Thatcher Peterson: Executive Producer
David Oh: Color Assistant

VFX Company
Company Name: Kevin
Sue Troyan: Partner/Senior EP
Tim Davies: Partner/ECD/VFX Supervisor
Jami Schakel: Senior VFX Producer
Rob Winfield: Compositor
Susanne Scharping: Compositor

CLIO Health