Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Argentina Postponed World Breast Cancer Day So Women Don't Postpone Their Checkups

Grey generates daily coverage in earned media

It’s so easy to put off yearly exams. Something always comes up that we deem more important than our own health. Out of sight, out of mind. In Argentina, many women delay their yearly breast exams, so LALCEC—the Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer—decided to postpone World Breast Cancer Day this year.

With help and support from 30 NGOs, World Breast Cancer Day, scheduled for Oct. 19, was postponed over and over, for two weeks in total. For every day it was postponed, free mammograms were available so women could be examined and prioritize their wellbeing.

“If thousands of women keep postponing their annual mammography day after day, we should do the same with the World Breast Cancer Day and generate a daily piece of news on the media, making each postponement an extra awareness-raising day,” says Hernán Kritzer, CCO of Grey Argentina, the agency that created the campaign.

Using the hashtag #NoTePostergues (#DontPostponeYourself), even the Argentina Football Association got involved—every first division team promoted the postponement prior to matches.

Video Reference
World Breast Cancer Day Postponed

Kritzer tells Muse the brief was straightforward. “The most effective tool to detect breast cancer is the mammography test,” he says. “We need to find a way for women to know this and have those studies made regularly. Once this idea was born, we proposed LALCEC to invite all NGOs working on breast cancer to promote the campaign together. It was the first time 30 NGOs got together in a common effort like this.”

World Breast Cancer Day was postponed until Nov. 1, giving women nearly two weeks to put their checkup in the rear view … until next year.


Title: The Postponed Day
Client: LALCEC & Unidos por el Cáncer
Client Approval:  Martín Fleming, Bruno Nascimbene, María Alejandra Iglesias
Agency: Grey Argentina 
Global CCO: Javier Campopiano
President – CCO Latam: Diego Medvedocky
CEO: Denise Orman
CCO: Hernán Kritzer, Alejandro Devoto
ECD: Juan Ure, Gonzalo “Montaña” Fernández
Creative Directors: Ezequiel Irureta, Sergio Rio León
Creative Team: Juan Manuel Carnelos y Leandro Mingrone
PR Director: Florencia Kessler
Business VP & Chief Growth Officer: Agustin Castellanos 
Project Manager: Ivana Benozzi 
Head of Craft: Diego Urbano 
Design Lead: Trinidad Colombo
Heads of Strategy.: Romina Perrone, Ana Etcheto 
Brand Strategist: Clara Noussan 
Social Media Lead: Mar Canosa
Head of Production: Pablo Molina
Camera and Edition: Sebastian Garri
Editor: Diego Faur
Motion Graphics: Ezequiel Ferraro
Production Assistant: Wanda Davenport

Clio Health Second Deadline 25