Clio Health Champions 2025

From Disney's Jungle Cruise to Soul, See This Week's Trailers and Posters

Plus, the unbelievable true story of the Tiger King

Weeks like these make you extra appreciative of the imagination and escapism that the world of entertainment offers us. The work we saw this week was uplifting, for the most part. There are scary times outside our windows, which made going on a two-minute ride along the Jungle Cruise a welcome joy. 

I knew I’d like Uncorked just by the title, but the story is compelling as well. A universal tale of your parents’ dreams versus your own. Black Widow played deeper into the family ties in the final trailer, while Unorthodox was all about breaking away from family and religious ties. The Third Day is also an attempt at breaking away—just a slightly darker one. 

After that, we took a trip into the wild with Reese Witherspoon, highlighting nature’s fiercest ladies. Then there’s Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness, and honestly, the title couldn’t be more fitting. Wowza. You’ll see!

Then we turned back to the heart, and were reminded of the magic of family, youth and imagination, as we took a trip back into The Secret Garden. Finally, Pixar went beyond the heart and straight to the Soul. We needed that.

Uplift your spirits and see what’s coming soon in Hollywood. Here are some of the notable trailers and posters released this week. 

Disney’s Jungle Cruise 

Walt Disney Studios 
Trailer Agency: AV Squad 
Poster Agency: BLT Communications, LLC 

Disney is ready to take audiences on a fun new adventure, and no one does adventure quite like them. The trailer for Disney’s Jungle Cruise, based on the famous ride at the Disneyland resort, is energetic and exciting with every passing second. It’s so much fun, you want to watch it again. The key art is stunning. It captures the excitement of adventure. There is so much fun to be had. Join Disney’s Jungle Cruise on July 24.


Trailer Agency: Seismic Pro 
Poster Agency: InSync Plus 

The trailer for Uncorked is as smooth as a pinot noir with a hint of humor and rich storytelling. First, I love the risky editing, especially that opening shot, which perfectly matches the beat. The story is full of heart, and that same heart is pulled out of the key art, which juxtaposes our protagonists’ two worlds. Fill your goblet and get Uncorked on March 27.

Black Widow 

Marvel Studios 
Trailer Agency: MOCEAN 
Poster Agency: LA 

The final trailer for Black Widow is full of family fun and dysfunction. It tells the story of sisterhood and family bonds. While hyped on emotions, the trailer is also filled with incredible action and breathtaking shots. Check out the striking character poster as well. See Black Widow on May 1.


Trailer Agency: AV Squad

It’s hard not to be intrigued by the trailer for Unorthodox. Imagine being raised under the strict rule of religion, only to be released in New York City with limited resources. Life would feel scary, intense and overwhelming, and this trailer does a remarkable job of evoking all those feelings. Go inside the Unorthodox life March 26. 

The Third Day 

Trailer Agency: BOND

The trailer for The Third Day captures you from the beginning with its stunning visuals and captivating music. That feeling of capture and captivation is quite brilliant, considering the story is about a man getting trapped on what seems like a quaint island. The trailer eases you in with signs of hope, only to turn dark and sinister. Once the switch is flipped, you’re left on the edge of your seat. The Third Day premieres May 11. 

Fierce Queens With Reese Witherspoon

Trailer Agency: AV Squad 

The trailer for the new Quibi series Fierce Queens With Reese Witherspoon looks as fabulous as it does fierce. The monologue copy is fun and adds a vivacious tone to the jaw-dropping visuals. Meet the ladies of wildlife with the world’s most charming host on April 6.

Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness 

Trailer Agency: BOND 

Now for the most mind-blowing trailer of the week. Wow. What a roller coaster this one is! It’s unbelievable, yet it’s a documentary, only making it wilder. Go inside the world of a rural Oklahoma zookeeper. I promise the animals are not the wildest part. Just when you think it can’t get any stranger, it does. Kudos on this masterful weave. Take a trip to this rural jungle on March 20.

The Secret Garden 

STX Entertainment 
Trailer Agency: Trailer Park Group 
Poster Agency: Creative Partnership 

The trailer for The Secret Garden feels as magical as the story itself. It blossoms with beauty, shot after shot. The floral graphics are designed with magnificence, and you can’t take your eyes off the colors. The poster gives a lovely depiction of this fantasy while allowing your imagination to fill in the rest. The typography is delightful as well as majestic. Revisit this beloved novel and the wonder of The Secret Garden on April 17.


Disney Studios & Pixar 
Trailer Agency: Rogue Planet
Poster Agency: BOND 

The trailer for Pixar’s latest film, Soul, hits deep. The visuals are exquisite, Pixar’s creative one-ups itself every time. The trailer takes you on a journey through the life of a soul. The idea is compelling, and maybe the uplifting thing we need on the other side of these crazy times. I also love the latest poster. I appreciate the depth of the design, showing layers of the story without going too deep. There’s a bluesy vibe to it, and I dig it. Take a trip to the Soul on June 19.

Clio Health Champions 2025