The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Wrangler Invites the World to 'Wear With Abandon' in Global Campaign

Just do it … in denim

Ever felt the urge to ride a bucking bull, hit the stage with your new band, try some gnarly bicycle tricks, or zip off on a motorcycle in search of adventure?

If that stuff’s your bliss, Wangler’s behind you all the way.

Such scenarios race by in the half-minute spot below, a centerpiece of the iconic apparel brand’s new global campaign from Mother New York: 

Video Reference
Wrangler | Wear With Abandon

“Something you should know about bull riding,” the voiceover says. “The bull always wins. Because there’s no real reason to put yourself on the back of a bull. And that just might be the best reason to do it.”

Appealingly shot by filmmaker Michael Lawrence, the campaign infuses the brand’s free-spirited cowboy code with Nike’s “Just Do It” ethos, creating a likable if elusive hybrid sewn together by the tagline, “Wear with abandon.”

“The campaign is focused on ‘the moment before,’ when courage kicks in and you have to make a life-defining decision,” says Mother creative chief Corinna Falusi. “That cowboy spirit, the same spirit that inspires us to take more risks and get the most out of life, is a feeling that every one of us can connect to. It’s a familiar feeling that’s both physical and emotional.” 

These print executions reinforce the theme:

That ad with the guys by the bridge is just vexing. What’s going on? We’re temped to shout, “Dudes, you can’t stop that car with your bodies, no matter how rugged those Wrangler jeans make you feel!”

Overall, “Wear With Abandon” continues the search to find the right style for modern times, an evolving effort to leverage Wrangler’s gritty past in a way that speaks to millennial consumers. 

It follows this notable updating of ideas from Jonathan Glazer’s famous 2004 Wrangler spot, and a playfully bootylicious tie-in with the Lil Nas X megabit “Old Town Road.” 

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25