Clio Health Second Deadline 25

These Kraft Heinz 'Textbooks' Are Filled With Snacks

So ... that makes learning yummy?

What’s your favorite subject, Stackonomics or Jiggleometry?

Kraft Heinz and Mischief @ No Fixed Address created four free “FUNdamental Textbooks” in a nationwide back-to-school push.

Lessons in each volume integrate Kraft brands. And we use the term “lessons” loosely. For example, “Slurpstory”—like history, but slurpy—hypes Capri Sun, complete with a product sample inside. The other volumes contain snacks, too: Lunchables, Jell-O or Kraft Mac & Cheese.

“At Kraft Heinz, we believe education can be a fun-filled adventure full of imagination and with our books, we aim to reignite the enthusiasm for learning,” says Anna James, associate brand manager.

Predictably, the campaign’s drawn some heat from health advocates, and from those who believe kids see enough brand messages already. (Like, just about everywhere and all the time.)

Such criticism’s valid, though from the brand’s point of view, such mild controversy—and it’s barely that—probably drives more interest and engagement.

Parents can order here, with no purchase necessary. For each tasty tome claimed, Kraft Heinz will donate $10 to nonprofit First Book, which strives for equality in education. Kraft is making a one-time donation of $50,000 to the organization, too.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25