Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Mr. Peanut Could Escort You Down the Wedding Aisle This Summer

In a dive bar ceremony, natch

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to watch Mr. Peanut escort a couple down the aisle, thanks to a contest from Miller High Life and Planters.

It’s called “Matches Made in the High Life,” and multiple winners will receive:

  • A free marriage ceremony at their fave dive bar.
  • A ride in the Nutmobile to said establishment.
  • A “Champagne of Beers” tower and toast plus buffet.
  • The mascot’s participation, as noted above.
  • A wedding cake with collectible Mr. Peanut topper. (Sure to become a treasured heirloom!)
  • Wedding accessories from the Planters/Miller “Tie Bar” collection.
  • Alas, no Busch Guy to officiate. That’d be going off-brand.

That’s a $30,000 value. The brands say so. It must be true!

Should anyone know of any reason this couple should not be joined in matrimony … stow it and have another beer.

Phaedon developed the initiative.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25