Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Rochelle Webb Is Stimulating the Underdog Economy Through the Power of Optimism

We get up with the Optimist Made CEO and Loyola Marymount professor our season finale

Rochelle Webb has always had an underdog spirit, so when she became top dog at her own company, she sought to give looks to other talented underdogs. Hear about how Optimist Made is creating marketing plans for hungry fashion designers. She’s also paying it forward as a teacher at Loyola Marymount University. Her career advice to her students: Own your shit. Want to support Black business? Put up or shut up. Looking at you, investors. Rochelle speaks on the challenge of being underestimated, and how it impacts funding, giving back to fellow ad people in need through Ad Relief of Greater Los Angeles, and how her business takes her around the globe. You’d never guess one of her favorite places. Plus, what do strategy and tennis have in common? Enjoy this 15th and final episode of the first season of Black Tea!

Black Tea is a video series that exists to make the independent voices of our fellow Black adwomen louder in the industry. If you identify as a Black woman in advertising and you’d like to be interviewed, please fill out this self-submission form. For questions about the show, please get in touch. Note: We do not currently take interviewee nominations or recommendations from agencies or third parties.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25