Clio Health Champions 2025

Jasmine Stanley Says, 'You Cannot Box Us In'

Our chat with the rock star brand strategy manager on Season 2, Episode 11 of #BlackTea

Brand strategy manager Jasmine Stanley is a literal baller who’s now going hard in the paint, advertising edition. We talk balancing life with a passion for the work, and how brands need to relinquish control if they want to genuinely connect with other communities. Jasmine helps them get there. She speaks on how real brands appreciate truth from their account reps, so continue the fight for what feels most true and right for the brand and market. Hear about a time when it paid off big for her client. Plus, we chat about her secret weapon for staying in touch with pop culture, and gush over the entrepreneurial spirit of Black people. Check it out.

Black Tea is a video series that exists to make the independent voices of our fellow Black adwomen louder in the industry. If you identify as a Black woman in advertising and you’d like to be interviewed, please fill out this self-submission form. For questions about the show, please get in touch. Note: We do not currently take interviewee nominations or recommendations from agencies or third parties.

Clio Health Champions 2025