The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Ponysaurus Brewing Pours It On in These 'Certainly Uncertain Times'

Raise a glass with Baldwin&

“In these uncertain times, the only thing we can be certain about is how uncertain we all really are.”

Such sentiments overflow in Baldwin&’s amusing new commercial for Ponysaurus Brewing, which the agency co-owns. A bombastic “Real Men of Genius”-style narrator delivers the lines, punctuated by a woman whispering “uncertain” and “certainly” like a daft Greek chorus.

Video Reference
Certainly Uncertain Times

“One thing we are certain about, is we all certainly could use a beer … perhaps a certain beer,” the voiceover says. “Ponysaurus beers have a certain flavor magic that we’re certain you’ll enjoy, with certainty.”

Touting the brew’s curbside pickup service available in North Carolina, the spot echoes the tenor of the times while zinging pander-bear coronavirus ad stylings adopted by some brands. (Nice pandering, Ace Aglet!)

“We went from brisk business to almost nothing over night” once the Covid-19 lockdowns hit, agency chief David Baldwin tells Muse. “There’s nothing like a global pandemic to make you innovate, so we came up with a ‘No-Touch Drive-Thru,’ where people can order online, pull up in their cars, then we sanitize the beer, and put it into the popped trunk.”

Using Baldwin’s iPhone, the team shot most of the video in one day, adding stock footage and music later on. He credits editor/writer Cori Ward with enhancing the ad’s comic punch. “She made it way funnier than it has a right to be,” he says.

The spot will run on IGTV and other social platforms, targeting the Raleigh-Durham, N.C., area.


Agency: Baldwin&, Raleigh, N.C.
Ponysaurus Brewing, Durham, N.C.
David Baldwin – Writer
Cori Ward – Editor/Writer
Matt Wood – Art Director
Tonya Martin – Project Management

Clio Health Second Deadline 25