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Life360 and Alto Stage the Worst Funeral Ever

Or maybe it's the best. That corpse won't sit still!

You’ve gotta love a commercial where the deceased rolls out of a casket and mourners leap screaming from their seats.

Check it out in Alto’s irreverent work for location-sharing app Life360.

Breaking today, the campaign finds humor in edgy situations most brands would avoid. (Well, not Liquid Death. But still.)

Director Steve Ayson helped develop three viciously funny vignettes themed “Family-Proof Your Family.” They’re silly, surreal and memorable.

The point: To safeguard loved ones and avoid misunderstandings, mishaps and mayhem, connection via Life360 is key.

Don’t let pesky corpses traumatize a congregation!

Next, a teen misses curfew, which naturally leads to dad’s arrest by the vice squad:

Finally, a puffy-coat obsession. Those never end well:

“When most clients say ‘We want you to scare us,’ they don’t really mean it,” says Alto CCO Hannes Ciatti. “But our Life360 clients really meant it!”

Noting the need to jar folks into paying attention, brand CMO Mike Zeman adds: “We’re illustrating how our tools can help prevent small issues from becoming major sources of anxiety, ultimately giving parents and families one less thing to worry about.”

You know, that jacket kind of sucks.

The push drops today across TV, digital, OOH and social.

Also in the mix, billboards touting Life360’s Tile bluetooth trackers:

Clio Entertainment Awards Show