Clio Health Second Deadline 25

How BMW Makes Finding 'The One' Effortless

If only dating were this easy

Finding the right pre-owned vehicle is a lot like dating. Test driving and transparency (when it comes to age) come into play—minus the person holding a fish in their profile pic.

In “Ultimate Match” from Goodby Silverstein & Partners, a woman driving her BMW Certified car tells a pal that it was love at first sight and she’s found “the one.”

Of course, the new guy she’s dating is riding shotgun and thinks the convo is about him. Jerry’s in for a shock.

Friends discuss “options,” too. Do they mean men or BMWs? Poor Jerry.

The ad is running across TV and online. The buy includes Bumble, where BMW becomes the first automotive advertiser on the app.

“Our insight was that pre-owned car shopping and dating have a lot in common, and knowing that our BMW Certified audience is younger and dating themselves, we wanted to meet them where they are—on Bumble,” says Rachel Nagpal, copywriter at GS&P. “In between swiping to find potential romantic matches on the app, they are prompted swipe on our ad to find their Ultimate Match which leads them to explore BMW Certified inventory near them.”

“There are so many similarities to what people look for when purchasing their vehicle and the qualities they look for in any relationship,” adds BMW marketing manager Jason Zisa. “This was such a fun and lighthearted approach to highlight the peace of mind and program attributes of a BMW Certified vehicle.” 

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