CLIO Music

This Gun-Safety Video Game Simulates a School Shooting

'The Final Exam' launched at TwitchCon

There’s only one way to survive Change the Ref’s video game that simulates a school shooting.

In “The Final Exam,” players must collect five gun-safety measures or pending pieces of legislation to last the entire school day.

They are:

  • Banning of Assault Weapons
  • Securing Storage/Ethan’s Law
  • Banning High-Capacity Magazines
  • Background Checks for All Gun Sales
  • Raising the Minimum Age to Purchase

Created by Energy BBDO, Webcore Games, Druid Creative Gaming and Flutu Music, the playable campaign debuted at TwitchCon and is now available online. The team designed the initiative based on actual data from school shootings with all age ranges in mind.

Note: Some may find the promos disturbing.

Over the course of 10 minutes, players must complete timed activities like hiding from a shooter, finding an escape route and barricading the classroom.

Clues are hidden in school books and maps that provide facts about U.S. school shootings.

Agency: Energy BBDO
Game Development: Webcore Games
Game Audio: Flutu Music
Gaming Agency: Druid Creative Gaming
Influencer Marketing: OMG Creo

CLIO Music