CLIO Health

Arla Created a Milky Wonderland. And It's Lactose-Free!

From Accenture Song x Blinkink

You know that dream where you’re ribbon dancing through a white wonderland, sprayed by geysers of lactose-free milk from every direction?

Well, they’ve turned it into a commercial.

Accenture Song and Blinkink director Joseph Mann devised an odd but visually appealing approach for Arla in the U.K. Jacob James slides, soars and sloshes through in an aerial ballet of silky, creamy mooovement:

Per Blinkink, the team strove to make a spot that “feels grounded but still spectacular, combining slick in-camera visuals with practical effects.”

Looks like they succeeded.

This works because it’s actually pretty simple. Milky universe, goofy guy … bingo! A talking cow—awesome in other contexts—would’ve soured the proceedings entirely.

CLIO Music