CLIO Health

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith headshot

Location • Title

New York • Copywriter


One-sentence bio

I broke my neck in 2002 and I’ve been a writer ever since.

Creative philosophy or approach

I’m always ideating. When I’m brushing my teeth, I’m ideating. When I’m making mushroom risotto, ideating. Even when I’m sitting idly, I’m idlyating. Then I write. I research stuff, I listen to music. Overtime, a structure presents itself and visuals appear in my head. I don’t stop writing. I use my notes app. I scroll Instagram, check Twitter, watch Netflix. I edit what’s written, kill beloved ideas and workshop with my inner circle. I talk their ears off. I pitch the poor souls. Then I hop in Photoshop and select the Text editor. All the while, I haven’t stopped ideating.

Recent work I’m proud of

How do you get a job in advertising? I’m hoping the answer includes making an Instagram campaign for Zippo disguised as a “how-to” guidebook for surviving worst-case scenarios. That’s what I’m working on now. Check out @howtozippo on the ‘gram and follow my progress. It’s especially useful if you want to know how to escape capture by Nazis. Just sayin.

Link to campaign:

Andrew Smith recent work

Recent work I admired

I’m very jealous of @dong.draper and particularly his latest “dong and honey” stuff. The rupi kapur style poems about advertising and pop culture in the time of corona is exactly the content I want right now. Full bravo to him on that, hope to cross paths with the likes of him at some point.

CLIO Health