Douglas Bowen
Location • Title
London • Copywriter
One-sentence bio
A junior creative who’s excited by words, scamps, and the good creativity can do.
Creative philosophy or approach
I’m always learning. It’s amazing how much people are willing to teach you if you’re willing to listen, keep working and admit there’s always room for improvement.
Recent work I’m proud of
PlanEat—an app to help with sustainable eating. More than a quarter of our carbon emissions come from our food, how we eat is a big environmental issue which can be quite simply solved. With only a few small swaps you can drastically cut your carbon emissions. PlanEat was developed to empower people to make these swaps and educate themselves on their own environmental impact without adding any hassle into their busy lives.
Link to campaign:
Recent work I admired
The entirely made in lockdown ad for the mobile network Voxi was an interesting exploration into how to produce an advert in this new world while keeping the brand and tone of voice clear, and standing out from the rest of the work being published.