Clio Health Second Deadline 25

2 Minutes With ... Pancho Cassis, Global CCO of David

Creative adventures from 'Hidden Flag' to Bud's 'Bigger Picture'

Pancho Cassis was appointed partner and global chief creative officer of David in the summer of 2019, after a successful career at LOLA MullenLowe and just a month after starting his own agency MAD.

During his career, he has led the work for popular brands like Burger King, Magnum, Budweiser, Scrabble and created the most talked about campaign during the last World Cup in Russia, Hidden Flag.

Most recently, he was named Creative of the Year in Latin America by El Ojo de Iberoamérica and a member of Ogilvy’s Creative Council.

We spent two minutes with Pancho to learn more about his background, his creative inspirations, and recent work he’s admired.

Pancho, tell us…

Where you grew up, and where you live now.

I’m Chilean, but I was born in Colombia, spent a year in Puerto Rico, then back to Chile when I was 4. I’ve been living in Spain since I was 24.

What you wanted to be when you grew up.

Advertising creative. Believe it or not, I have video proof.

How you discovered you were creative.

Maybe in school. Being always distracted with something else, thinking about everything except studying.

A person you idolized creatively growing up.

My father, who was also a creative and someone super admired by both his teams and his clients.

A moment from high school or college that changed your life.

When I stopped hanging out with the “cool guys.” What a relief! I started hanging out with the guys I felt more comfortable with, who ended up being my best friends until today.

The first concert you saw, and your favorite band or musician today.

Cindy Lauper, with my aunt. I was 9 years old, and it was one of the first concerts in Chile after Pinochet left. My last concert was John Mayer, in London. And it was amazing, because I went with my 7-year-old son and I’m sure he had the same fun as I did with Cindy.

Your favorite visual artist.


Your favorite fictional character.

Batman. And most recently, Mrs. Maisel.

The best book you’ve read lately.

The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger.

Your favorite movie.

Tough question. But I’ll have to go with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Your favorite Instagram follow.


How the Covid-19 crisis has changed your life, personally or professionally.

I cannot travel to the U.S. since all this started, so I’ve spent more time with my kid and that is priceless. Also, it has made me rethink about living in the city or not, about space and ownership.

Your favorite creative project you’ve ever worked on.

Hidden Flag is for me the most rewarding project I have worked on so far. The impact that this small but brave gesture had in the world was tremendous, and it really changed the lives of the six activists involved, their friends and families, and the whole LGBTQ+ community in Russia. It was hard and scary, but exceptionally beautiful.

A recent creative project you’re proud of.

Budweiser’s “Bigger Picture.” Convincing an iconic brand like Bud to step out of the Super Bowl after 37 years and donate that budget to vaccination efforts was a huge deal and it truly paid off. People loved it, players loved it, and without running an ad it ended up being the most talked-about Super Bowl campaign in Anheuser-Busch’s history, with 31 billion impressions and 99 percent positive sentiment.

Someone else’s creative project that inspired you years ago.

Everything from Juan Cabral was inspiring to me in my early years. I used to work alone for some time at Leo Burnett, doing a double role, and Cabral, being a copywriter/art director, was always someone I looked up for.

Someone else’s creative project that you admired lately.

Invisible Creatives is a project that’s helping female creatives and agencies connect. I think it’s useful and necessary, and I applaud the extraordinary effort Maddy Kramer is doing to keep it going and growing all over the world. 

Your main strength as a creative person.

Making things happen. My first boss, Rafa Antón, hired me after telling me I was the “pain in the ass” the agency needed, always pushing for ideas and new opportunities. Some time ago, one of our creatives told me my title should be chief energy officer. I thought it was a great definition of what I try to do every day.

Your biggest weakness.

Patience. I don’t have too much, and it’s something I try to improve constantly.

One thing that always makes you happy.

Watching Barcelona lose a game. Or Guardiola. Both even better.

One thing that always makes you sad.

Ideas we had a long time ago that are suddenly done by someone else. Worst feeling ever.

What you’d be doing if you weren’t in advertising.

No clue. Probably architecture or football referee, as it would be the only way for me to participate in a World Cup.

2 Minutes With is our weekly interview series, publishing every Wednesday, where we chat with creatives about their backgrounds, creative inspirations, work they admire and more. For more about 2 Minutes With, or to be considered for the series, please get in touch.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25