The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

2 Minutes With … Andrea Siqueira, ECD at Energy BBDO Chicago

On being optimistic and tenacious

In her role as an ECD at Energy BBDO Chicago, Andrea is the driving force behind the creative transformation of all Bayer brands, including recent projects like Claritin’s “DiversiTree.” She has worked for numerous agencies, including FCB Chicago, BETC Sao Paulo and J. Walter Thompson. As a member of #GoodLatinasForGood, Andrea is a champion for diversity and empowering the next generation. 

We spent two minutes with Andrea to learn more about her background, her creative inspirations and recent work she’s admired.

Andrea, tell us …

Where you grew up, and where you live now.

I was born and raised in Salvador, Bahia, northeast of Brazil, a tropical paradise full of talented people. But I have a passion for creativity and advertising, so, I moved to São Paulo, and then to Chicago. 

How you first got interested in advertising.

While growing up, I took all the opportunities I had to express myself: writing plays at school, creating cartoon books about my friends, performing at the school theater. I was always the first one to volunteer for creative tasks.

One of your favorite projects you’ve ever worked on.

I love Hershey’s “Hershe” because it was an idea created when I was still in Brazil in 2019 and amplified in more than eight countries. It’s still being developed and it’s helping women even now. I’m proud of our recent Claritin “DiversiTree” project created at BBDO Chicago. That also has feminine empowerment at its core. This time, it’s an empowered tree, a pollen-fighting female tree.

We found out that male trees produce pollen, which is the number-one cause of seasonal allergies. Female trees [which produce fruit or seeds] absorb pollen. Due to a 1949 USDA recommendation, American cities plant more male trees than female trees because they don’t litter the sidewalks. But pollen levels are rising. In partnership with Cornell University and Arbor Day Foundation, Claritin took a stand, and is intentionally planting more female tree gardens and parks so everyone can live as if we don’t have allergies. In 2024, we have more plantings scheduled around schools, so we can help kids avoid losing days in class because of pollen allergies. 

The latest project you’re proud of.

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer talk about a taboo that shouldn’t be a taboo. Women are more stressed than men (and twice as likely to get constipated. That’s why we launched #TheGutGap, presented by MiraLAX, to help lighten some guts by bringing some laughs into the world.

Someone else’s work that you admired lately.

I’m a big fan of Sofia Coppola. Love her work since The Virgin Suicides. Her latest, Priscilla, is melancholic in every detail. Sofia Coppola said in an interview that it was hard for her to get the money to film Priscilla and her budget fell short, so she had to cut part of the script. If it’s difficult for her—such a talented filmmaker with a big family name—imagine how it must be for all the filmmakers and female directors out there. It’s not easy to be a creative woman, even in 2024.

A book, movie, TV show, or podcast you recently found inspiring.

There’s a good Brazilian TV show called Cangaço Novo (New Bandits), on Prime Video.  

A visual artist or band/musician you admire.

David Bowie—his music makes me feel alive. I wish I had seen him live. Recently, I saw Jack White at a small venue here in Chicago—it was epic.

Your favorite fictional character.

Virginia Woolf performed by Nicole Kidman in the film The Hours, a 2002 drama directed by Stephen Daldry, based on Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway

Your main strength as a marketer/creative.

I’m very optimistic—I don’t give up easily.

Your biggest weakness.


Something people would find surprising about you.

I can cook a delicious Moqueca, a Brazilian dish made with seafood. Yummy.

2 Minutes With is our regular interview series where we chat with creatives about their backgrounds, creative inspirations, work they admire and more. For more about 2 Minutes With, or to be considered for the series, please get in touch.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25