Clio Health Champions 2025

2 Minutes With … Alexis Bronstorph, Co-CCO at No Fixed Address

On the parallels between music producers and creative directors

Alexis is co-chief creative officer at No Fixed Address, but started her career in advertising at age 9, when she performed voiceovers for a radio commercial. She was hooked immediately. Since then, Alexis has worked on numerous campaigns for world-class brands across all disciplines. 

We spent two minutes with Alexis to learn more about her background, her creative inspirations and recent work she’s admired.

Alexis, tell us …

Where you grew up, and where you live now. 

I grew up on the west coast of Canada, in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. I now live in Toronto. (the second t is apparently silent, but only people who live here know that).

How you first realized you were creative. 

I’m only telling you this because it’s officially the “Summer of Barbie,” but I think it was playing with Barbies. I had some seriously elaborate storylines going on, and I loved escaping into an imaginary world. 

A person you idolized creatively early on. 

Prince. True, talented, timeless.

A moment from high school or college that changed your life. 

I failed accounting. Twice. Not that I wanted to be an accountant (ever) but it definitely validated the choice to become a marketing major.

A visual artist or band/musician you admire. 

Nep Sidhu makes routstanding, uncategorizable work. 

A book, movie, TV show or podcast you recently found inspiring. 

Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act was so good. I love that the spirit and practice of creativity transcends disciplines. And I think there are a ton of parallels between what music producers and creative directors do. And he was on the Honestly with Bari Weiss podcast recently. It was an awesome listen. 

Your favorite fictional character. 

Santa has been critical in allowing me to bribe my kids for the last 10 years. (Sorry if you ever read this! Love you!).

Someone or something worth following in social media. 

@luxxury—super-fun deep dives into how songs are constructed and the wild world of interpolation.

How Covid-19 changed your life, personally or professionally. 

It proved to me just how much humans need other humans, how important collaboration is, and how fucking hard it is to craft work without it. 

One of your favorite creative projects you’ve ever worked on.

We really loved working with United Way on “The Unignorable Tower.” It was year two of a campaign that had been extremely successful, so the stakes were high. And everyone who worked on it put so much effort into making it beautiful and impactful. 

A recent project you’re proud of. 

We did an OOH campaign with DoorDash to advertise their partnership with McDonald’s. I’m a writer, but I love when you don’t need to use any words to tell a story.

Someone else’s work that inspired you years ago.

Puma’s “After Hours Athlete” created by Droga5. From the insight, to the script, to the beautiful direction by Ringan Ledwidge, and the music and the voice and and and…. I could seriously go on. 

Someone else’s work you admired lately. 

Tubi’s Super Bowl spot created by our sister agency Mischief was so so good. Loved how everyone freaked the eff out! 

Your main strength as a creative person. 

I love strategy. I love taking things that don’t feel like they make sense together, and then make them make sense. 

Your biggest weakness. 

I’ve never seen Star Wars. 

One thing that always makes you happy. 

Seeing my co-CCO Kelsey Horne‘s face in the morning! 

One thing that always makes you sad. 

I’m actually more of a happy crier than a sad one. 

What you’d be doing if you weren’t in advertising. 

Probably still be trying to pass that accounting class. 

2 Minutes With is our regular interview series where we chat with creatives about their backgrounds, creative inspirations, work they admire and more. For more about 2 Minutes With, or to be considered for the series, please get in touch.

Clio Health Champions 2025