Clio Health Second Deadline 25

#WFH Diaries: Creative Director Gregg Kaysen

As confinement continues in most parts of the world, we’re checking in with creative people to see how they’re faring. Here’s an update from Gregg Kaysen, a freelance creative director who also started Mass Appeal’s Music Video Night.

Give us a one-line bio of yourself.

I’m the founder of Mass Appeal’s Music Video Night as well as a freelance creative. Mostly the latter.

Where are you living right now, and who’s with you?

When I’m not living in my head, I stay uptown in NYC with my girlfriend.

What’s your work situation like at the moment?

It’s been awesome seeing how much people have leveraged live technology in ways that may have been shunned before. Since physical gatherings have obviously been postponed, I’m organizing more virtual sessions with creatives who were much harder to reach before the quarantine. There’s more excitement to be a part of something that reaches the world.

Describe your socializing strategy.

I’m just trying to be the most upbeat guy in the group chat. It’s not easy.

How are you dealing with childcare, if applicable?

As a plant dad, I’m using the opportunity to keep all my babies alive. I figure if I can’t keep them healthy with round-the-clock attention, I’ll never make it as a real dad.

What are you reading?

As compelling as Twitter can be, I’ve escaped with some memoirs from people who are far more productive than I could ever be. Namely, Dapper Dan and Andre Iguodala

What are you watching?

I’ve been catching up on a lot of indie films and documentaries: Digging for Weldon Irvine, Cane River, A Kid from Coney Island, Feathers, Like a House on Fire, Rogers and Tilden, Spooners. I’ve also settled into the new Ozark series, because all options are on the table with respect to making a living these days. Not that I endorse money laundering, just that I think it’s a great show. 

What are you listening to?

Like the sensitive California guy that I am, I’m a sucker for the Soulection crew’s radio shows, and specifically, Sasha Marie. They’re an inspiring collective and I admire their consistency. 

How are you staying fit?

I take solitary walks with a mask on and installed a pull-up bar in the apartment. Hoping the anxiety takes off a few pounds as well.

Have you taken up a hobby?

If digging through old cassettes and VHS tapes to drop some #TBT heat is considered a hobby, then yes, I’m up to my ears in nostalgia.

Any tips for getting necessities?

I have to remember to bring my own bags—not just because 10 cents for one without handles is lame—but it’s also good for the environment. As is human quarantine apparently.

An awkward moment since all this started.

I went Live on Instagram, and let me tell you, it was awkward.

Best work email you got since all this started.

It was a relief to hear that a colleague’s parents were recovering well after testing positive for Covid-19. It’s a scary situation, and my thoughts are with anyone suffering right now from this pandemic. The isolation of the illness is heartbreaking. 

An aha! moment since all this started.

I feel more productive from home, as the commuting and day-to-day routines cut into my creative output. 

What’s your theory on how this is going to play out?

We’ll regain an appreciation for offline experiences, and also give our digital devices a bit more respect, as they’ve helped create real communities and platforms that will live beyond this moment.  

See the full #WFH Diaries series here.

Clio Health Second Deadline 25