Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Cancer Campaign Stars the World's Most-Checked Testicles: the Wall Street Bull's

The statue isn't being grabbed by the horns

Tourists visiting Wall Street want a picture with the famous Charging Bull, but the line is longer in the back than the front. That’s right, while grabbing the bull by the horns is popular, pics from the back end are more popular on the ‘gram.

The Testicular Cancer Society noticed this and used “the most-checked balls on Earth” to encourage self-exams.

Whenever someone posts a photo on Instagram of the Charging Bull’s balls, the Testicular Cancer Society, with help from FP7 McCann Dubai and McCann Health Dubai, an IPG Health Company, replies with a light-hearted, punny response. Some examples: “Now you’ve got the bull by the balls, remember to check in on yours,” “These balls are HUGE … conversation starters. Thanks for getting the balls rolling” and “If you’re open to looking at balls, maybe it’s time to check in on your own.”

Video Reference
Wall Street Balls | Testicular Cancer Society

“Self-examination is not something we talk about openly or often enough, but here on Instagram we have this giant set of bull balls being checked out by thousands of people every day,” says Stefan Schutte, associate creative director at FP7 McCann Dubai. “So, we thought, if everyone is taking the time to check out those balls, why can’t they just take a couple of minutes to check out their own?”

The campaign launched in mid-October. Included in social media responses is a link to a self-check tutorial video.

“We hope this campaign will remove the stigma around testicular cancer and normalize the behavior of performing regular self-checks and reminding each other to do them,” Schutte tells Muse.


Client: Mike Craycraft, Survivor/ Founder Testicular Cancer Society
Agency: FP7MCCANN Dubai 
Federico Fanti, Chief Creative Officer 
Paulo Tavora Engler Pinto, Creative Director
Stefan Schutte, Associate Creative Director  
Bruno Montoro, Art Director 
Nikita Bocharov, Senior Copywriter 
Anis Zantout, Regional Digital Director 
Karen Kamel, Managing Director McCann Health Dubai 
Hadi Abu Khuzam, Group Account Director 
Amber Gan, Senior Account Manager 

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25