Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Alphabutts: Huggies Writes the Book on Babies' Bottoms

From Quality Meats, of course

Singing about babies’ backsides wasn’t enough for Huggies. Why stop with that, when there are so many concepts to get behind?

And so, we have The Alphabutt Book: An ABCs of Baby Butts & Bodies. Twenty-six illustrators, many with children’s book backgrounds, contributed.

It all begins with “Avocado Butt.” And the cheekiness never lets up.

You just can’t wipe away the cuteness. Not even with a moist towelette.

There’s an ebook too, plus posters and a special font. Sales will benefit the National Diaper Bank Network serving needy families. 

Quality Meats, known for promoting brands that focus on the human posterior, developed the book, a follow-up to its recent “Baby Butt Bop” for Huggies.

“We wanted to create something that not only telegraphs the product benefit, but make an actual product that’s beneficial to mom and baby, and something that can live beyond a traditional media buy,” agency co-CCO Gordy Sang tells Muse. 

“Also, diapers hold butts, and not much of the diaper advertising has gone directly at butts,” he says. “And kids love hearing and saying the word ‘butt.'”

That’s about as on brand as it gets.

And here’s a TikTok tie-in, with influencer and mom of two, Abbie Herbert:

@abbieherbert #ad Do the #HuggiesBabyButts Bop for a chance to win (link in bio). @Huggies® ♬ Huggies Baby Butts Bop – Nett Windel

Clio Health Champions 2025