The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25

Ryan Reynolds and His Ugly Xmas Sweater Return for SickKids

With Michael Bublé and Auston Matthews

Kids and Ryan Reynolds say the darndest things.

This week, the actor/marketing god returns in a campaign to help raise funds for SickKids in Canada. As in his past yuletide turns for the Toronto-based children’s hospital, Reynolds dons an ugly Xmas sweater and slings the sarcasm as only he can.

“Every parent knows that kids, while a magical gift from heaven, can kind of be pr*cks,” he snarks in the spot below, adding: “But it’s hard for kids to be ****** when they’re sick. That’s why the work we do here at SickKids is so very important.”

Amusing scenes follow, with hospital staff helping youngsters regroup for their lives outside the facility. The kids scream and throw tantrums, with crooner Michael Bublé and Maple Leaf star Auston Matthews on hand.

The clincher comes at the end, when one of the children, unimpressed by Reynolds and his famous friends, shrieks for an appearance by a different Canadian celeb…

Video Reference
SickKids | Ryan Reynolds 2023

…’70s soft-rock legend Anne Murray, who heartily approves of the PSA’s creative direction:

This could spark a career resurgence. Watch out, Dua Lipa!

Reynolds has repped SickKids since 2018, and last year’s campaign raised nearly $600,000. His agency Maximum Effort creates the annual spots.

The Clio Awards Final Deadline 25