CLIO Music

Facts and Feeling: Two Tools in Strategist Taylor Brodie's Arsenal

#BlackTea Season 3, Episode 12

Have you ever met someone who is just so… inspirational? You have now. This week’s #BlackTea guest is Taylor Brodie, a senior strategist at Publicis N.Y., and all around uplifting and energizing person.

In this episode, Taylor details her approach to strategy and the quantification of perspective. Hear how creating content makes her feel free, and also helps her empower others. Find out about Big Tay energy, and how you’re never too green to let people know when they’re doing too much with your identity.

Don’t miss her incredible advice for newcoming women of color in advertising. Plus, even her goals are goals, y’all. She explains the unique way that she sets the barometer for her own success. Watch, share, and enjoy the conversation.

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