Snickers Put a Snake on a Plane. Flying's Awesome Now!
The whole cabin needs emotional support
Flying sucks worse than ever these days, with endless delays, in-flight mechanical issues and unruly passengers elevating stress levels for everyone.
Snickers suggests a solution. That would be Snickers bars, of course.
It beats bringing emotional support snakes into the cabin, as we learn in this “Hungry Skies” spot from BBDO New York:

Maybe give the snake a bite of that caramel goodness, keep its fangs busy for a while. Where are those emotional support dogs when you need them?
“With international tourism expected to grow 15 percent in 2024 and over 6 million people flying every day, this campaign captures those increasingly and absurdly relatable instances we’ve all encountered,” says Rankin Carroll, chief brand officer.
Snickers’ long-running “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” approach works well in this context. The unfolding scenario feels absurd yet annoyingly familiar. As for the hopping up passengers on chocolate, well, they’ll mellow out once the crash arrives.
The sugar crash! What else could we possibly mean?
Sheena Brady directed through World War Seven.
The work breaks today in the U.S. and Australia across TV, social, digital and in-flight/in-airport activations, with more global markets to follow.