Rough Rickshaw Ride in India? iPhone Says, 'Relax'
Latest in the popular Apple series
An iPhone 15 slips from a user’s hand and ricochets violently in the back of a rickshaw.
Like a Kubrickian satellite pummeled by the currents of a hostile universe, the handset tumbles and twirls as images from an Indian Premier League cricket match flash across its screen.
Such as the stuff of a new “Relax, It’s iPhone” spot from TBWAMedia Arts Lab Singapore and Nirvana Films director Prakash Varma.

Gorgeously executed to hype durability, the mesmerizing visuals add up to way more than the sum of their parts. Once again, the brand gets extra mileage from a simple concept.
Like all ads in the series—all Apple ads, really—it’s an elevated, artful product demo that makes its point with eye-catching flair and a smart soundtrack (the appropriately bouncy “Buckle Up” by CHAII, Sam Bruno and Don Electron).
There’s also a neat contrast between the sleek, white iPhone 15 and the bumpy, gritty streets beyond the rickshaw’s window.
This juxtaposition reminds us of tech’s ability to smooth life’s lumps and sooth nerves, serving up sports and entertainment as we careen headlong into the future.