Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Pabst Blue Ribbon Replaces Egg Hunt With a 'Kegg Hunt' for Easter

Why should kids have all the fun?

You know what would go great with that branded household swag you scored in Pabst Blue Ribbon’s last big promo? A 15-gallon, pastel-painted keg vaguely resembling an Easter egg, that’s what!

PBR and creative agency Callen call ’em “Easter Keggs.” The duo discretely placed a few around Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Tampa and Portland, Oregon, for fans (21 and over) to track down this weekend. Clues start posting across PBR’s social channels Friday at 11 a.m.

Owing to alcohol-in-public statutes, these are empty vessels. But each winner gets a gift card for a free keg of beer. That surely beats “chocolate or a dumb quarter,” as this cute clip explains, with mimes, ducks and bulging eyeballs to stoke the holiday spirit:

Video Reference
Pabst Blue Ribbon Easter Kegg Hunt

Yeah, eggs suck, no matter what this campaign from two years ago says.

“Even though PBR is a classic brand, we love making non-traditional work that puts an off-center spin on things,” Nick Reely, VP of marketing at the brewer, tells Muse. “The intention isn’t just to get across people’s screens for a couple seconds, but to encourage people to be spontaneous, social and lean into a nostalgic time from the past.” (Easter egg hunts conjure fond memories for some. Presumably.)

Along with last year’s PBR home invasion—referenced above—other fun efforts include putting a fresh spin on its ’50s jingle, with input from diverse creators.

“The mission isn’t necessarily to tie in with pop culture, but of course we do want the brand to be topical,” Neely says. “The audience we aim to connect with likes to be creative and express their individuality. They are driven by excitement and novelty.”

For its “Easter Kegg Hunt,” PBR chose markets where it enjoys strong equity. The brand will place multiple kegs—oh all right, keggs!—in some cities.

“Being an adult can burn you out,” Reely says. “We hope this event allows people to feel young at heart.”

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