Mind Blower From Auto Glass Now: Driving Without Windshields
So stupid, so satisfying
The flapping cheeks in these Auto Glass Now commercials are jaw dropping. That’s because the cars have no windshields. Their occupants feel so alive!
Check out the irresistible idiocy breezin’ down the road from Erich & Kallman:

Nice gums.
Kyle Ankrom, VP of marketing at Auto Glass Now, describes the work as “purposefully bold and humorous to break through and bring something fun and distinct to the category, showing the personality behind the brand.”
E&K founder and CCO Eric Kallman adds: “It was literally the first idea we thought of, and first ideas are usually always bad, But it was so simple and perfect it stuck around and after a couple weeks we knew we couldn’t beat it.”
The team shot live on an LED stage, with footage of a highway playing behind the vehicles.
As for the atmospherics, two jumbo industrial fans “weren’t getting the job done,” Kallman recalls.
So, the crew brought a dozen leaf blowers on set, “and after trying to figure out how to position them a bunch of different ways, the winning solution was for each cast member to have one in between their legs pointing straight up at them.”
Showbiz, so glamorous!
“Surprisingly, most of the audio was captured on set,” he says. “A few of the lines we captured with the fans off, but mostly it’s an in-camera performance. I still can’t believe it worked.”
The folks at E&K are the sultans of stupidity, producing Muse’s reigning Ad of the Week for Impossible Foods (testify, Meat Preacher!), and those annoyingly memorable Otto spots for Meineke.
For this campaign, however, they really let the funny fly. Uproarious and mildly unsettling, this is Pringles prog hamster-level stuff, and on par with GoodBoyBob’s looney lab rats
Despite its wild premise, Auto Glass Now feels more focused and accessible than Pringles or GoodBoy. Ultimately, you just sit back and savor the silly while the brand proposition smacks you in the face.
“Beyond the humor, we believe the campaign affirms Auto Glass Now’s speed of service promise,” Ankrom says. “It’s built into our name—we’re Auto Glass Now, not auto glass later.”
“That’s the key benefit we focus on and deliver. And that’s why when you see the spot and hear the jingle, it’s all about, ‘We can get your auto glass serviced now!‘”
Auto Glass Now
President: Nick Ouimet
Vice President of Marketing: Kyle Ankrom
Senior Marketing Manager: Katerina Papagiannis
Production / Edit / Finish
Production Company: ContagiousLA
Executive Producer: Natalie Sakai
Director: Andrew Laurich
Producer: Hannah Rome
DP: Jeff Powers
Production Designer: Sara Kugelmass
MGFX Animator: Tom Yaniv
Mix and Sound Design: M2 Studios
Senior Engineer: Mark Pitchford
Executive Producer: Sarah Benedict