Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Liquid Death Gives Away a $400K Jet. In Your Face, Big Soda!

Promo spoofs Pepsi's infamous marketing fail

No porn stars, voodoo dolls, rampaging zombies or enemas? Can this really be a Liquid Death campaign?

Indeed it is. The water that comes in aluminum containers is giving away its biggest tin can yet. And this one flies!

Thirsty top gun wannabes who enter by Sept. 4 could win an Aero L-39C Albatros fighter jet valued at $400,000.

Emblazoned with branding, the vehicle is dubbed “The Dehydrator.” Because, streaking through the clouds at 470 miles an hour, “It will relieve you of your bodily fluids and make you empty your stomach,” LD says in press materials.

Video Reference
Liquid Death | Jet Giveaway

Yes, the winner will legally own the plane. They’ll also receive a year’s supply of Liquid Death, six months of free hangar space, a pilot’s helmet and a cup holder. No aviator’s glasses, sorry.

The promo riffs on a Clinton-era Pepsi initiative gone awry.

“About a year and a half ago, there was a documentary on Netflix about a giant soda company who put out a commercial saying it was giving away a jet,” LD VP of creative Andy Pearson tells Muse. “But when a kid actually tried to claim the prize, they said it was just a joke.”

“Here at Liquid Death, we take the fun marketing that goes into promoting unhealthy stuff like beer and energy drinks and sodas, make it even wilder and funnier, and then point it at something much healthier.

“So we said, ‘If this other company didn’t even plan on giving away a jet in the first place, what if we set out to do exactly that?'”

It’s a two-seater. You can fly a friend to work or school. Now, let’s get in one more dig at Big Soda:

“This is definitely the biggest thing we’ve ever done,” Pearson says. “It’s just part of our continued mission to make people laugh and help them pick alternatives to drinks full of sugar that come in single-use plastic bottles.”

Clio Health Second Deadline 25