Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Here Are the 2019 April Fools' Day Pranks From Brands

Whether you want them or not

The serious problems created by misinformation and fake news in recent years has put a bit of a damper on branded April Fools’ Day pranks. But for every company like Microsoft, which is banning such pranks entirely, there are plenty of companies that still give it a try—hoping that a bit of lighthearted stupidity will brighten your day. 

Whether these stunts really work anymore is largely in the eye of the prankee. In any case, check out some of the efforts for 2018 below.

And check out Ads of the World to see more.

• Build-a-Bear branched out into the world of dating apps with Build-a-Bae.

• Burger King rolled out the meatless Impossible Burger, which is actually real, even though all the customers thought they were being pranked.

• Dollar Shave Club is now selling Bath Jerky. Tagline: “Dry beef for wet baths.”

• Fatburger has become Skinnyburger.

• Google Home devices can now talk to tulips. (Video by Google Zoo Amsterdam and Wefilm Concepts.)

• Halo Top made the the world’s first edible ice cream face masks.

• Honda made the Honda Pastport, a version of the Honda Passport that’s ’90s-tastic.

• Jägermeister is getting into the bong business.

• Lockheed Martin made Vector, a perfume that smells like outer space.

• McDonald’s and agency We Are Unlimited dreamed up a line of shake sauces, based on research suggesting people actually do dip their McDonald’s food in their McDonald’s milkshakes. 

• Planet Fitness and Barkley came up with the world’s first mobile stationary bike.

• PlusOne is selling vibrators out of vending machines.

• PopChips made a single-chip pack that looks a lot like a condom wrapper (and the chips are “ridged for your pleasure and busting with flavor”).

• Roku made a remote control for dogs.

• Shutterstock designed a brick-and-mortar library of stock images “for a fully immersive brand experience.”

• Sodastream made a SodaStreamMe bottle so users can carbonate their drinks by burping into them.

• Timex’s new watch has a 25th hour.

• Tinder now has height verification.

• WestJet introduces the #FlyreFestival, an immersive music festival at 35,000 feet on a 787 Dreamliner.

• Whitecastle is auctioning off the first Slider it ever made, back in 1921.

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