Clio Health Second Deadline 25

Burger King U.K. Makes a Silly Splash With 'Foodfillment'

From BBH and director Taso Alexander

A dapper dude-fish steals the show in BBH London’s latest work for Burger King U.K.

Silly spots tout “Foodfillment,” that feeling you get from chowing down at BK that tops everything else.

Video Reference
Burger King | Fishing

“Turns out, filming on a boat isn’t the thrill we first thought when writing,” BBH art director Chloe Stephenson tells Muse. “Not sure we ever found our sea legs either which made dinner that night a quick affair. Chances are the next films for Burger King will be set firmly on dry land.”

Check out more commercials below. Merman actor Martial Batchamen Tchana returns as an oddball granny and rides around in a teen’s backpack.

Video Reference
Burger King | Surprise

Video Reference
Burger King | First Kiss

Tchana keeps his dignity throughout. Not really. But it’s a funny performance that tips the scales in the campaign’s favor. (Scales. Heh.)

“Ultimately, food is all about satisfaction,” says BK U.K. CMO Katie Evans. “But satisfaction is about more than just being full. It’s about real food quality, delicious ingredients and getting value for money.”

Directed by Taso Alexander, the push also boasts OOH, radio and in-store elements.

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