Angry Birds Attack in Hilariously Hostile Geico Commercial
Flap! Smash! Whack! Crash!
Red, Bomb and Chuck from Rovio’s Angry Birds mobile-game franchise go full Hitchcock, assaulting a suburban manse in The Martin Agency’s latest spot for Geico.
Naturally, the homeowners are miffed, as the avian avatars rattle windows and smash flowerpots to smithereens.

“At least Geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy,” the husband says amid the onslaught. “We save a lot,” his wife adds, as foul feathered fiends bounce off the aluminum siding and shatter a feeder on the patio.
Still, having Angry Birds outside beats living with a wild Animal inside, per Geico’s last pop-culture crossover, starring the mangy Muppets drummer as an unwelcome houseguest.
O Positive’s Brian Billow directed that spot, the brand-new birdie bombardment, and this winner from May with Yogi and Boo Boo Bear crashing a cookout.
In each ad, the humor hits home. As the birds do here, repeatedly, battering the place with their trademark wrath. The crew shot baseballs at the facade during filming, allowing the actors to react naturally as the thumps and bangs reverberate.
One of Geico’s biggest hits dropped in January, with ’90s rap duo Tag Team remaking “Whoomp! (There It Is)” as an ode to ice cream. That effort went viral, and a branded frozen-dessert product rolled out in September.
“When we think of character appearances, we look for cultural icons that are unexpected, but instantly recognizable,” Martin Agency creative director Kim Ngyuen tells Muse. “Geico ads are usually grounded, but with a surprising, entertaining twist. We ask ourselves, ‘Does it make sense that this character would be here?’ And if the answer is ‘Well, actually … yes,’ then we’re on the right track.”
“We, as homeowners, started listing things that have gone wrong with our houses since we bought them,” Ngyuen says. “Birds flying into windows is a real problem. It’s startling. Once we landed on birds smashing into a house, we knew Angry Birds was a perfect fit.”
Client: Geico
Agency: The Martin Agency
Spot: “Windows”
Client Credits:
Joe Pusateri: Vice President, Marketing
Amy Furman: Assistant Vice President, Marketing
Gary Aurand: Director, Marketing
Tom Perlozzo: Senior Manager, Marketing
Tim Ware: Supervisor II, Marketing
Brighid Griffin: Program Lead I, Marketing
Rese Chorpening: Program Lead I, Marketing
Allison Eckert: Brand Team Planner, Marketing
Agency Credits:
Chief Creative Officer: Danny Robinson
Executive Creative Director: Ashley Marshall
SVP, Creative Director: Justin Harris
Creative Director: Kim Nguyen
Associate Creative Director: Kate Placentra
SVP, Head of Integrated Production: Tasha Dean
Executive Producer: Heather Collier
Senior Producer: Liza Miller
Producer: Elise Canup
Associate Director of Business Affairs: Suzanne Wieringo
Business Affairs Coordinator: Lauren Garrett
Senior Financial Affairs Manager: Amy Trenz
Financial Account Supervisor: Monica Cox
SVP, Group Account Director: Matt Mattox
Account Director: Jon Glomb
Account Executive: Justin West
Senior Project Manager: Heather Hartman
Production Company: O Positive
Director: Brian Billow
Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella
Producer: Grayson Bithell
Editorial Company: Mackcut
Editor: Pamela Petruski
Assistant Editor: Jonathan Baum
Executive Producer: Gina Pagano
Visual Effects, Animation, and Finishing:
VFX: The Mill LA
Executive Producer: Anastasia Von Rahl
Creative Director VFX Supervisor: John Leonti
Producers: Alex Bader and Derek Tekus
Sound Design and Mix:
VFX: Heard City
Executive Producer: Jackie James
Mixer / Sound Designer: Mike Vitacco
Licensing of Angry Birds: David Born and Amber Chung at Born Licensing